Chocolate and cherry cupcakes

1 Conversation

These wonderful little cupcakes are perfect for almost any occasion and with just a hint of fruit you can probably get away with telling yourself that they are healthy too! 1

What you will need.

    100g/4 ounces/3/4 cup Self raising flour
    1 teaspoon of baking powder
    100g/4 ounces/1/2 cup Light brown sugar
    100g/4 ounces/small 1/2 cup Butter
    Approximately 100g/4 ounces/half cup of roughly choppedcherries Glacé or tinned are fine
    A good tablespoon of cocoa powder


    Preheat oven to 180C/350F/gas 4
    Line a cupcake tin. The mix will make 12 - 24 depending on size of cupcake
    Cream together sugar and butter till fluffy
    Gradually add in the eggs and beat the mixture until it is even
    Fold in the flour, baking powder, cocoa powder and cherries
    Once all of the ingredients are evenly incorporated into the mix, half fill each cupcake liner then place the tin in the oven for between 20 to 30 minutes.

The cakes will be finished when they can be pricked with a toothpick which should come out cleanly.

A wonderful recipe to make with children or as a gift for a friend.

1 although that would technically be a fib...

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