Isn't She Lovely? 'For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies. . . ' Isn't she beautiful, our home planet there? Earth is many things. The Blue Marble. A world. A living, breathing ecosystem. Gaia. Today, we honour her. You may do this in many ways: you may go out the door and say 'thank you' to the birds and the flowers, the trees and the squirrels that scamper therein. You may organise to fight pollution, the effects of climate change, or to protect endangered species. You may go pick up your rubbish. Whatever you do, do it to honour our mutual home.
Our Post Reporters have done much to honour the earth, today and every day. benjaminpmoore's honouring the world in the form of his fellow humans. MVP is honouring memory with a poem that will make you stop and think. Anthea honours the birds, and Willem the beasts. WARNING: Willem has decided this insect needs some love. He's right, of course: we share our planet with a host of odd critturs. However, be aware that the Parktown Prawn is not quite as cute as the bushbaby. View at your own risk.
Many h2g2ers have banded together to meet the April Create travel challenge by sharing stories of their border crossings. You remember what Professor TH White said? From the air, you can't see the boundaries. (He was mostly right, though he didn't have satnav.) People put up barriers. How our hitchhikers dealt with them makes fascinating reading – both parts. In addition, Florida Sailor's got a tale of his own.
Coming up: Next week, h2g2 turns 14 years old. Do we act like a teenager? Is the Pope from…er, one of those South American countries, I forget? Well, duh. Nonetheless, be looking to par-tay with all the folks on the Front Page, and if you're dying to share some birthday memories, send Stuff to the Post.
Enjoy your week!
Dmitri Gheorgheni