A Conversation for Duck Tails: Little Blue Boat
aye aye
Peanut Started conversation Feb 10, 2013
, amazing art
you keep that little blue boat afloat
and I'll provide port in a storm
( or a port, or something suitably non-alcholic)
aye aye
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Feb 10, 2013
If you had a little blue boat, you could rock your babe asleep.
Welcome back, Anthea. I have never forgot your ducks. Or as an artist have you moved from your duck period and going on to nautical themes now?
aye aye
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Feb 10, 2013
If I had a boat,
I'd ride out on the ocean,
And if I had a duck,
He'd waddle on my boat...
As Lyle Lovett did NOT say...
aye aye
Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it! Posted Feb 15, 2013
there will be more ducks
I've just sent in the next one, no duck there eather
but they will be back soon
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aye aye
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