A Conversation for A Visit to China

This is very interesting

Post 1


Thank you, GW (and GB!), I really enjoyed it.

This is very interesting

Post 2


Hi smiley - smiley Yes this IS interesting and also well written but I am confused as to who wrote it

"however the reason was I was the last male to arrive" is why I am confused.
The only credits I see, in pliny, are the post team and galaxy babe. Galaxy babe, you are a female, right?

So who wrote this? smiley - biggrin

This is very interesting

Post 3


Oh, okay I see now, that blurb in the introduction 

This is very interesting

Post 4

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Clare, GW is one Gordon Watson, who is an aquaintance of GB's, but not a member of h2g2, but they were kind enough to share the story of his trip with us.

This is very interesting

Post 5

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I can confirm I am definitely femalesmiley - divaif you want to check for yourself, go post in one of my journals or on my PSsmiley - winkeye

Some people are just *so* stubborn, they won't sign up for a h2g2 account smiley - flustered

Glad we're all sorted here, thanks Elektrasmiley - ok

smiley - galaxysmiley - diva

This is very interesting

Post 6

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Yeah, and we got official permission to do this and everything...just so you could all learn something...

I, for one, am very grateful, not only for the great info, but for the fact that we now have pictures I can misuse...smiley - whistle

This is very interesting

Post 7

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - laugh

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