A Conversation for Freebie Film Tip #14: Ray Bradbury Meets Groucho Marx
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Willem Started conversation Nov 14, 2012
Hi Dmitri, just telling you that I managed to watch those two clips as well, thanks a lot! But what was You Bet Your Life about ... did they actually kill the losers?
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Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Nov 14, 2012
No, Groucho just killed 'em with jokes.
He'd get people on and interview them in a jokey way. Then they'd ask questions, and they'd win some money. There were two teams. The one that won more money got to do the bonus question.
There was a stuffed duck that came down from the ceiling with a 'secret word'. If anybody happened to mention the secret word, they got an extra $100.
Here's Jack Benny, pretending to be a contestant on 'You Bet Your Life'. (He's wearing a weird wig.) He's trying to guess the secret word by mentioning everything in his apartment:
The two of them are impossible.
The joke - which has Elektra guffawing - is that Jack Benny claimed for YEARS to be 39.
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Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Nov 14, 2012
My mother imitated Jack Benny and always claimed she too stayed 39.
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