Oddity of the Week: The Greatest Moment in History?
Created | Updated Nov 11, 2012
At this memorial time of year, we stop to reflect: beware what you call. . .
The Greatest Moment in History?
You can't blame them, really. World War I was a horrible conflict. Everybody in Europe was weary of war, eager for peace, overcome with exhaustion and grief. And they really wanted to build a lasting peace.
Unfortunately, this was not how to do it.
Poor Woodrow Wilson was killing himself (literally) in his attempts to make sure the Great War had indeed been 'the war to end war'. Unfortunately, he was being stabbed in the back by the US Congress, who were determined not to sign anything that created a League of Nations.
The people in that Hall of Mirrors were so hopeful. They had great plans. But somewhere in the corners of the reflections, you might have caught a glimpse of some eerie spectres.
We have hindsight. We know it didn't work. We know what happened in 1939.
All we can do is feel sad when we see this. Oh, and resolve: we'll be wiser next time.
Of course we will.