Freebie Film Tip #4: Marcel Duchamp and his Anemic Cinema
Created | Updated Nov 4, 2012
Freebie Film Tip #4: Marcel Duchamp and his Anemic Cinema
It's here, it's weird. It's by Marcel Duchamp. It's called Anémic Cinéma, and was crafted in 1926. Pretty amazing for its time.
This version has the texts below. No translations, because they are all elaborate puns in French. (Oh, goody! French puns!) Guess at the meanings. Having the texts wll help you avoid the crimp I got in my neck from reading in circles. Try not to think of the Twilight Zone at this point. Do not yield to your partner's suggestion that you are now a chicken.
It's all about Dada. Do you dada? Do you dada in public? Did you know 'dada' was a hobbyhorse? It was certainly Duchamp's hobbyhorse.
You remember Marcel Duchamp: He was the guy who saved Constantin Brâncusi's 'Bird', or was it a kitchen utensil?
If you're still not sure about the weird French master, visit Making Sense of Marcel Duchamp. Then all will be clear to you.
You can survive this. I have faith in you.
Just sit back and think of Basingstoke.