A Conversation for 'Hitchhiker' Quotations in the Oxford English Dictionary [Peer Review version]
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Recumbentman Posted Nov 19, 2012
I haven't an OED, I get access to it online thanks to teaching at the Dublin Institute of Technology
I have a Grove, the 20-volume dictionary of music, but I don't suppose it could masquerade as an OED.
My son, now I think of it, has the one-volume OED. Seriously, it comes in a big box with a powerful magnifying glass.
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Icy North Posted Nov 19, 2012
Don't you have a library picture of Douglas Adams or something?
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Icy North Posted Nov 19, 2012
Hang on (he said in the style of Michael Caine) I've got an idea...
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Icy North Posted Nov 19, 2012
Hi Rosie, I've had an idea, but rather than spoil the surprise I'll mail an example to the artists.
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Nosebagbadger {Ace} Posted Nov 19, 2012
Seems rather unfair - he gets everything that appears in h2g2 and in the OED combined - lots of topics
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Icy North Posted Dec 17, 2012
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."