Quote of The Day Review: August 2012

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The long-awaited review.

Quote of The Day Review: August 2012

An interrobang, a combination of question and exclamation marks.

August was a month of change, Olympic excitement and tubthumping1 in Quote of the Day. The big change this month is that the Quotes are now live on the Pliny Front Page, and not the other skins. Thankfully QotD appears to have made the move intact and your Quotes now appear in a relaxing blue font with dolphins frolicking overhead. Sorry for this review being a short one, but I'm still without internet at home so this is written in the time I can snatch on other people's connections.

What's New?

The new Quotees this month are, in order of appearance: Rosie, Liftliker, Happy Nerd, Phil and Prof junior. Admittedly, you could argue that Happy Nerd already has a Quote, though that was written under the h2g2 Communications account, and not her own. If she still wants to claim that Quote, then I'll happily transfer the credit for it to her.

The newly Quoted fora this month are: Feedback: Pliny Bugs, Liftliker's journal and Vip's journal. I do like the fact, that two-thirds of the way through the year, new fora are still being found to Quote from. It gives me warm glow inside, it really does.

On the move

Of those at the top of the overall leaderboard, only Hoovooloo was Quoted this month, giving him a total of 9 Quotes, cementing his position as 3rd in the table, and forcing Mu Beta down into 4th on 8 Quotes. Edward the Bonobo still heads the table with 11 Quotes, and Icy North remains in 2nd place on 10 Quotes. On the fora side, Askh2g2 has now had 150 Quotes extracted from it.

In the monthly chart it was all 1 Quote apiece, apart from KB and our new chief cat herder Pastey who both had 2 Quotes. Also Dmitri's journal was very popular this month, with 3 Quotes being taken from it, none of which were actually by Dmitri himself. Clearly, aside from Askh2g2, Dmitri's journal is the place to be at the moment.

Quote of the Month?

Oh, I'm not even going to try to pin down the best Quote this month, my continuing lack to qualifications to do so notwithstanding. I bought a copy of Tongue Tied by The Cat from Red Dwarf, you know. I helped it get to the dizzy heights of #17 in the singles chart. I trust no further evidence is needed?

Instead I'm going to list the Quotes from the month that are related to the Olympics, even if only tangentially. First was KB's recollections on the 6th from four years ago:

Diving! That's just reminded me of the last Olympic games... Sho gave a very erudite commentary on divers' biceps.

Then on the 8th Pink Paisley was getting in the spirit of the thing:

I am going to support the games properly. When I get home I'm putting out McDonalds and Coca-Cola flags.

On the 9th I commented on the Mayor of London's memorable line from the pre-Olympics party:

What noise does your Geiger counter of Olympomania make?

I believe that Boris Johnson's goes zoink!

Trillian's Child took in the view of the London skyline on the 10th:

Stadium, cranes, and something that looks like a helter-skelter with a bad hair day.

On the 12th HonestIago told us of his interaction with the friendly Olympic volunteers:

...the chap who gave me my patdown asked what fragrance I was wearing...

Effers' family, on the other hand, choose a cheaper way to watch the action. On the 16th she told us:

...but my brother and his family had a great time at the sailing. They just camped and watched from a vantage point.

Hoovooloo reminded us that the rest of the universe wasn't standing still on the 17th:

If the Olympics hadn't been on, I'm pretty sure the frankly incredible landing of the Curiosity rover would have been pretty imagination catching.

And, in the last Quote of the month, Prof junior was inspired to launch into physical activity:

I tried a bit of walking, ... when i tried to walk i kinda took a proper step, well a few as with help i walked away from my chair 4 steps (ish) then back again, and that was after 3 cans

So keep up the good work Researchers, be interesting, be witty, and be Quotable. And if you find something that you think is Quotable, then email it to [email protected], providing the Quote, a link to the post it comes from, and the Quoted researcher's details. Pliny welcomes witty Quotees.

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10.09.12 Front Page

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1No, on reflection I'm not going to explain this word. If you know, then you know.

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