Create: Sport and Personal Fitness Challenge

1 Conversation

Woman athlete completing an Ironman Competition.

July is not only about Wimbledon and the Olympics...please read how you can contribute this month, even if it's only your fingers1 that are being exercised on the keyboard.

Not Only the Olympics...

July is probably going to feature much worldwide media coverage of the Olympics, and Create will be delighted if you can produce any Entry on subjects that are written on the Olympic Theme. Sports, sports persons, venues, competitions, places in London that have been altered due to the Olympics will all be relevant. Create lives up to its name, we will be delighted to receive everything that touches on the Olympics, both past and present.

...But Also 'Fitness'

Don't stop reading! We know that the sporting community is not heavily represented by h2g2 members, but we have noticed a rising interest in personal fitness levels. We've spotted your cycling, mountain climbing and running. Don't think we don't lurk in your interesting journals! So, if you have a moment to write about your experiences in getting fit, or keeping fit with some physical exercise, please share it with us.

How to Contribute

Normal Create 'rules' apply: we accept Entries into Peer Review, Journal Entries or contributions to the Post.

Please reply to the dedicated conversation thread at the bottom of this Entry, giving a link to your contribution, so that we can record who qualifies for this month's Create badge to decorate your personal space. Good luck with this next challenge.

If you've never joined in with our challenges before, please do so as it's all in good fun plus it helps us to build the Guide. If you are not able to think of a contribution yourself this month, please help support those who do take part by responding to their writing, replying to their journals or reviewing any relevant Entry in Peer Review.

Not Forgetting Illustrations

The Guide needs your illustrations too, so if you have any relevant photographs of a sport, please contact us for further details. We've lots of Entries that need additional photographs.

Many thanks!

1We know you exercise your little grey cells all the time!

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