A Conversation for Woodcraft

Thanks Rod!

Post 1


Hi Rod, I enjoyed this piece. I looked at the photos too, nice carvings, I like the giraffe! I would like to get into woodcarving ... but with all the other things I'm doing I don't think I'm ever going to find time for it!

Thanks Rod!

Post 2


Thanks also from me Rod smiley - cheers

I'm impressed with the carvings. I think if I gave it go I would at best come up with something that I would have to try very hard to convince people that it was deliberately 'interpretative'!

Thanks Rod!

Post 3

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Wow, I really enjoyed your mask and the giraffe. I seems as though it is a thoroghly engrossing hobby. And it is so wonderful to highlight the quality of the wood itself to show people how lovely and idividual each tree is. At a museum site i Philadelphia we were able to watch a man make Winsor chairs --truly astonishing and since he knew about the history of the that particular design --he let us know that sandpaper of all things was one of the most expensive tools in colonial times (probably because it had to be imported and it was no doubt taxed by the mothercountry). To make a piece or a table yourself must give you a lot of satisfaction. Neat process. Well done and thanks for sharing it.smiley - smiley

Thanks Rod!

Post 4


Thank you, folks, you're very kind.

Peanut, You don't do it for others... You'll know when a piece is worth putting on the mantel - for a while.

Thanks Rod!

Post 5

aka Bel - A87832164

I meant to come back to this for weeks now and finally managed.
Great way to enthuse others about a hobby that is dear to you. smiley - ok

Thanks Rod!

Post 6


smiley - ta Bel

Thanks Rod!

Post 7


I see your bowl has turned out nice,

must be some fine crafting smiley - zen

Thanks Rod!

Post 8


Ah, Peanut, but which bowl? 'Tis a problem. They're (almost all?) beautiful (yeah, right).
Ms Stress has expressed the wish "Please, no more bowls... PLEASE"
Bowls aplenty in the workshop -

There's bowls with dust upon the shelf
If you want any more you can help yourself, uh huh.

Part of the bowl problem is that the course I did is continuing past qualification and much of the homework is in the nature of bowls, boxes, hollow forms so there'll be no getting away from 'em, good or bad or indifferrent...

smiley - sigh

Thanks Rod!

Post 9


don't make me choose smiley - grovel

which ones, I can see the practice, you could make fantastic spoons and craft a smiling camel,

that much I know

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