The Tenantry Column Quiz
Created | Updated May 13, 2012

Tenantry Column: the Quiz
Q 8: Who sacrificed his favourite coffee mug to bring you this little gem?
(No, Prof. This
Q 8: is in goode olde Englande's Far Unsmiling North)
...Ahem, where were we? Ah yes...
Q 1: Where is the Lion Bridge? (this one, that is)
Q 2: Who lives in the castle ?
Q 3: What has a Within and a Without ?
Q 4: —and what is its correct name ?
Q 5: ... and, who decorated it ?
... and now, to the point...
Q 6: What is The Tenantry Column ?
Q 7: ... and (disregarding [probable] truth), what is its story ?

Click on the picture for answers.