A Conversation for Universtity Page


Post 1


The Maritime Museum in Grenwich. There's also the Grenwich mean time line thingy, and an observatory, but the museum is all about the UK's sailing history, so...


Post 2


Turns out it's Greenwich, not Grenwich. That's embarrassing.



Post 3

Bald Bloke

Greenwich is certainly a good day out, especially if coupled with a trip back on the river, I mentioned the NMM & Cutty Sark in earlier discussions.

I don't know how much you will feel like doing on the Friday when you arrive, changes in time zones /lack of sleep may be an issue.

Also the train to Portsmouth normally takes less than 2 hours so if you want you could have very nearly a full day in London the get to Portsmouth in time for an evening meal at the hotel.


Post 4

Bald Bloke

you were getting very close to the Anglo Saxon Spelling "Grenewic"


Post 5

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

Thank you for all your kind suggestions, I will have about four to six hours to kill Friday morning between the time I arrive at Victoria Station and can check into my hotel near the British Museum. Not sure how chipper I will be, it being the middle of my night and all, but I thought it a small price to pay for a direct flightsmiley - biggrin

I did stumble on a small attraction on the South Bank near the Globe that features a recreation of Drake's ship 'The Golden Hind' Are any of you familiar with it?


F smiley - dolphin S

We do have a Greewich over here in Connecticut, http://www.greenwichct.org/


Post 6

Bald Bloke

Since you won't be fully awake, take great care on the roads, We drive on the OTHER side.

You might be able to drop your bags off at the hotel before check in time, some places are good like that, worth emailing them to see.

There is left luggage at Victoria but I hear it's expensive.
One thing you could do to make good use of a couple of hours and it only involves sitting down, would be to take the sightseeing bus tour (expensive but might be worth it)

I've been past the Golden Hind but I haven't been round it (Yet)


Post 7

Bald Bloke

Just a thought...
Friday is going to depend a lot on how your flight goes and whether you can grab any sleep on it.

Flight times and getting through Gatwick are pretty variable, I've landed over an hour early before and got straight through, then onto the train and been nearly home by the time we were booked to land.
Of course I've also had a late running flight that landed just after tree other jumbos and then its taken ages to get through the airport... got home after lunch.

I will take a guess at you wanting to get to the hotel and check in Friday afternoon, followed closely by a bit of a kip.

I can check and see whats on in Central London Friday evening unless you plan on booking a show or similar.

If we are going to meet at the IWM on Saturday Afternoon, it might be worth doing the South Bank Royal Festival Hall, London Eye on Saturday Morning as that's in the same direction.

Or you could do a slow start and tour the British Museum then get some lunch before the meet.

If you want to stay around Westminster it is only walking distance to Buckingham Palace, Hyde park etc
You could easily fill the day with stuff in that area.
Unfortunately the Houses of Parliament don't appear to do tours on Sundays, there are tours on Saturdays but they need pre-booking.
Trafalgar Square, National Portrait gallery etc are an easy walk through St James Park and the London eye and National theatre are just across from there over Hungerford Bridge.


If you are going to the Tower, then Tower Bridge, HMS Belfast, then a walk up the south bank towards London Bridge for the Golden hind the clink, borough market, and if there isn't low cloud you might want to go up the shard.

Depends on what time you want to get to Portsmouth,
As I suggested earlier you could drop your bags at left luggage in Waterloo and then train to Greenwich (about a 25 minute journey) tour the Observatory, National Maritime Museum, and Cutty Sark, then Thames clipper back to Waterloo.


Post 8


BBs ideas are spot on I reckon.

I'd add that the changing of the guard (which *is* fun and worth it) takes place at 11.15 (I think, but certainly around that time), and so I'd recommend starting there, and then wandering towards Westmisnter in the manner BB says, except backwards.

Actually if you want to do a wander around the centre between Westminster and Buck Palace on the Sunday, me and the kids would be happy to tag along.


Post 9

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

Thank you all, I am looking forward to this adventuresmiley - biggrin

As I will be spending all my times in cities with great public transport I do not intend to rent a a car, but even so, it is important to remember to 'look the other way first and last'

I see luggage storage is the same (10PS for 3 to 24 hours) at both Victoria and Waterloo (run by the same company) I see Waterloo is on the Northern Line and a short run to Goodge St which is only a couple blocks from my room. Travel between the two rail stations seems to involve a couple transfers, or it might be a short cab ride?

I still have almost a month to finalize my plans, and I try not to keep a strict schedule on holiday (US Vacation)

Sol, my intention of visiting Westminster Abbey first is that I would like to attend the 8 O’clock service, I was raised in the Anglican Church and would rather go to worship (at least a respectful participation) than just to gawk. According to their website visitors are welcome to services at no charge. I would love to spend a few hours with you and the smiley - erm charming childrensmiley - winkeye.

I thought I saw the Guard are changed on even days in September at 11:15, but my latest look only shows the August schedule. I am sure they will update it in the next few days. And Monday is a holiday heresmiley - biggrin

I is good to have local insightsmiley - ta Looking forward to my great adenture.

F smiley - dolphin S

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