A Conversation for Cavehill, County Antrim - How The Right To Roam Was Won

A87753162 - Cavehill, County Antrim - How The Right To Roam Was Won

Post 21


Ok, I've changed the first one to:

"The make-or-break point of the case against Magill was whether he had built over a right of way which had remained in constant use. He argued that there had been no right of way."

I think that's a lot neater.

You're right about the second sentence. I shall excise the dodgy preposition forthwith. smiley - ok

A87753162 - Cavehill, County Antrim - How The Right To Roam Was Won

Post 22


Well, I will, when h2g2 allows me to edit the Entry again. smiley - laugh

A87753162 - Cavehill, County Antrim - How The Right To Roam Was Won

Post 23

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

yes, the old version is really struggling, we're trying our damnedest to get Pliny up and running. Sorry for the inconvenience KB

Any volunteers who would like to assist us this weekend, please raise their hands. smiley - biggrin

A87753162 - Cavehill, County Antrim - How The Right To Roam Was Won

Post 24


No worries, I understand. It just panicked me a bit cos it cut me out mid-edit and I thought I'd lose a lot of stuff. smiley - ok

What do you need help with?

A87753162 - Cavehill, County Antrim - How The Right To Roam Was Won

Post 25

Lanzababy - Guide Editor


The link above is to the sub-ed forum in noesis. I am afraid I cannot even get to your personal space in h2g2 to send you that via your own message centre KB.

If any other volunteers are reading this, please message me via Noesis or email the [email protected] and I can direct you to the action.

sorry for hijacking this thread.

A87753162 - Cavehill, County Antrim - How The Right To Roam Was Won

Post 26


smiley - cheers

I'll go and do those edits via Pliny, then.

A87753162 - Cavehill, County Antrim - How The Right To Roam Was Won

Post 27


Oooooh, despite giving me error messages last night it *did* actually save the changes I was trying to make. smiley - zen

A87753162 - Cavehill, County Antrim - How The Right To Roam Was Won

Post 28


Is this finished, KB?

A87753162 - Cavehill, County Antrim - How The Right To Roam Was Won

Post 29


Just remembered we have an entry on Co. Antrim, so I've linked to that. Yeah, I think I'm happy enough with it, if there are no further suggestions.

I have my own (conspiracy) theory about the whole court case, but since it isn't backed up by a single shred of historical evidence I've found, I'll keep it for a journal or a tongue-in-cheek piece for The Post smiley - laugh

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Recommended for the Edited Guide!

Post 30

h2g2 auto-messages

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If you'd like to know what happens now, check out the page on 'What Happens after your Entry has been Recommended?' at EditedGuide-Process. We hope this explains everything.

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Congratulations - Your Entry has been Recommended for the Edited Guide!

Post 31

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Well done, KB! smiley - applausesmiley - bubbly

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Recommended for the Edited Guide!

Post 32

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Excellent smiley - bubbly

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Recommended for the Edited Guide!

Post 33

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - applausesmiley - bubbly

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Recommended for the Edited Guide!

Post 34

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - applause well done!
Do you have a picture for this Entry? smiley - smiley

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Recommended for the Edited Guide!

Post 35


Thanks all. smiley - ok

I have a few photos that could be used, yes. I'll have a look through them and see which look suitable. smiley - smiley

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