A Conversation for Citizen Spade (proposed prologue)

Citizen Spade: A prologue

Post 1


Is Babbage's invention relevent to this story? Binary code would be critical!

Citizen Spade: A prologue

Post 2


The references in the prologue were meant as just hints of Spade's understanding of the progress of technology. So there's a connection made, between wooden punch cards meant to "program" automated looms in the 19th century and AI computers. But it's a quantum leap from one to the other - there is a connection but Spade doesn't fully understand it. I hadn't intended to go into great detail about it, though.

I think in the end I'll ditch the Prologue.

Citizen Spade: A prologue

Post 3


Sometimes a leap into the depths can work as a literary device.
Have a robot haul him over for speeding, or a hovercar take him from the airport to his home. This may set the reader's imagination in the right frame to accept any futuristic imagery. smiley - smiley

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