The Post Titanic Factoids Quiz
Created | Updated Aug 27, 2012
This week marks the 100th anniversary of the sinking of RMS Titanic. This week's quiz is true/false, so the Prof has a 33% chance of getting the questions right. h2g2ers in Belfast should be ashamed if they don't know them all. (The info is probably on your crisps packets.) Bluebottle and the folks in Southampton will, of course know them all. The rest of you can guess.
The Post Titanic Factoids Quiz

True or false?
- The engineer who designed RMS Titanic claimed that 'God himself couldn't sink this ship.'
- Titanic's sister ship also sank.
- As a passenger, your chances of surviving the disaster were better if you were a woman.
- No dogs survived the sinking of RMS Titanic.
- One of the ship's owners disguised himself as a woman in order to board a lifeboat.
- RMS Titanic was the first ship to use the SOS distress call.
- The captain of RMS Titanic went down with the ship, because this was the accepted Law of the Sea.
- In 1912, moviegoers were able to see accurate newsreel footage of Titanic sinking.
- The sinking of Titanic marked the second greatest maritime loss of life in peacetime up to that day.
- The final song played on Titanic was 'Nearer, My God, to Thee'.
As usual, click on the picture for answers.