A Conversation for Willem's Fantasy Fauna and Flora: Phantom Nightmonkeys
It's those Nightmonkeys!
cactuscafe Started conversation Mar 26, 2012
It's the Phantom Nightmonkeys! I love these dudes, well I love their name, and would probably form a band named after them if I could. heheh, I play synth for the Phantom Nightmonkeys.
Seriously, though, incredible drawing as always, Willem. I love the feet! Quite a feat, to draw those feet. .
Do these monkeys make a sound? Like a chattering sound? Perhaps it is because it looks like they are making a sound in this drawing, I noticed their mouths. I love it.
It's those Nightmonkeys!
Willem Posted Mar 26, 2012
Hi Cactuscafé and Dmitri! Yes of course they make a sound ... and here's how I described it in the story (The Quest for Wavdendreem's Garden, Book One: The Disenchanted Kingdom) where they first come in:
(Valerie, Vivienne and Bridget are in the wilds of Solkayis; they've just met a man called Siasiatra, Sia for short, who knows a lot about the woods.)
'Each time they hear a strange sound, Sia tells them what kind of animal is making it. Suddenly there is an utterly weird sound … like an extended, hoarse shriek descending the scale, punctuated by hiccups. It is rather bone-chilling. Valerie sits bolt upright, and looks over her shoulder in the direction it came from.'
For what happens next, you'll have to wait for the story to get published!
It's those Nightmonkeys!
cactuscafe Posted Mar 26, 2012
whoah! that's one expressive sound description, Willem, and thanks! And it is kind of how I imagined, although perhaps a bit more spooky!
Now I have to go to my synth and recreate it. .
When's your story coming out then? How long will we have to wait to see what happens?? hurrumph, cor honestly, authors. heheh.
Love it, thanks Willem
It's those Nightmonkeys!
Rod Posted Mar 27, 2012
Great, Willem!
I think I may have heard something like those screams in the jungle just to the south-west of Sleepville.
It's those Nightmonkeys!
Willem Posted Apr 3, 2012
Hi Cactuscafe and Rod! Rod, where's Sleepville? Cactuscafe, I really don't know but it won't be soon. The books are sort of an ultra-mega-ambitious project that I've taken on to try and keep myself alive ... i.e. for as long as it isn't finished, I have to keep on living so I can keep on working on it. But I think just maybe sometime I *will* have something to publish, since I *am* working on it a lot.
It's those Nightmonkeys!
Rod Posted Apr 3, 2012
Sorry, Willem
>I think I may have heard something like those screams in the jungle just to the south-west of Sleepville<
"... just under the surface when nodding off"
It's those Nightmonkeys!
Willem Posted Apr 6, 2012
Thanks Rod! I don't know the expression, I wondered if it might be a nickname for some real place youd been, in Uganda maybe.
It's those Nightmonkeys!
Rod Posted Apr 6, 2012
No, Willem - it's just that sometimes some things seem to be a good idea at the time Just ignore me (everyone else has learned).
Well, Dmitri, you'd better warn the Prof that just to the south-East of Sleepville is just-under-the-surface-when-coming-to.
Though, he may never need it
It's those Nightmonkeys!
cactuscafe Posted Apr 7, 2012
Travel to the South East of Sleepville, and stay on the freeway until you see the sign saying Roadstop for Dreamers, 2 miles
Uh oh, you guys started me off now,
Interesting, Willem, I know what you mean about projects, good to have an ongoing creative situation, to give purpose and inspiration to the in-breath.
Not making much sense. . On Easter weekend. I am currently writing this from the Roadstop for Dreamers.
It's those Nightmonkeys!
Willem Posted Apr 7, 2012
Rod really don't apologise. In fact this gives me an idea. I'm going to see about illustrating the jungles to the south-East of Sleepville for Around the Day in 80 Worlds!
It's those Nightmonkeys!
Willem Posted Apr 7, 2012
Hi Cactuscafé! I may illustrate the Roadstop for Dreamers also.
It's those Nightmonkeys!
Rod Posted Apr 7, 2012
Oh, great
Y'know, ye may have found the secret
How To Please All Of The People All Of The Time
Go to it, Willem.
It's those Nightmonkeys!
Rod Posted Apr 7, 2012
>>give purpose and inspiration to the in-breath<<
That's rather good, cactuscafe. Like it.
It's those Nightmonkeys!
cactuscafe Posted Apr 8, 2012
Did I say that? (checks). Oh yes, so I did. . I was well away on the Easter egg choccie
. heheh.
Enjoying this conversation, folks, there are a lot of creative sparks flying around at the moment. I love it!!
Can't wait for the drawings, Willem. Isn't is amazing how we can share ideas, and yet we all have our individual vision, which in turn leads to new ideas, which ..
OK OK you know what I mean ... .
Laters, have to go ride a bike in the rain. .
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It's those Nightmonkeys!
- 1: cactuscafe (Mar 26, 2012)
- 2: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Mar 26, 2012)
- 3: Willem (Mar 26, 2012)
- 4: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Mar 26, 2012)
- 5: cactuscafe (Mar 26, 2012)
- 6: Rod (Mar 27, 2012)
- 7: Willem (Apr 3, 2012)
- 8: Rod (Apr 3, 2012)
- 9: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Apr 3, 2012)
- 10: Willem (Apr 6, 2012)
- 11: Rod (Apr 6, 2012)
- 12: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Apr 6, 2012)
- 13: cactuscafe (Apr 7, 2012)
- 14: Willem (Apr 7, 2012)
- 15: Willem (Apr 7, 2012)
- 16: Rod (Apr 7, 2012)
- 17: Rod (Apr 7, 2012)
- 18: cactuscafe (Apr 8, 2012)
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