A Conversation for Tiki-Tour Part 2

Spectacular scenery

Post 1


Hi Rod! Just want to thank you for this entry, I really must try and save up for a trip to New Zealand one day!

Spectacular scenery

Post 2


Thanks, Willem. You'd be welcome - very welcome.


Spectacular scenery

Post 3

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Wow, no wonder everyone wants to go there. Truly beautiful and breath-taking scenery and so many different landscapes in a compact place. Thanks for sharing it with us, Rod.smiley - smiley

Spectacular scenery

Post 4


Yes, Elektra smiley - ta

It's the variety in a small island that seems to be the key.
( the north Island has 3/4 of the population and 1/4 the scenery)

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