A Conversation for The h2g2 Post 21.05.12
Oh, tut tut, Dim...
Awix Started conversation May 20, 2012
...your education is still sorely lacking. Clearly this advert was for a 'transporter' of the type immortalised on the big screen by Mr Statham, for which the only requirements are the abilities to wear the same black suit for three movies in a row, growl while still managing to enunciate your words, and fight two men with hatchets in a narrow hallway simultaneously (or, alternatively, twelve men in a garage while covered in grease).
Further homework to follow...
Oh, tut tut, Dim...
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted May 21, 2012
That must be it.
How could I have missed the connection between Belfast job ads and the amazing Mr Statham?
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Oh, tut tut, Dim...
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