A Conversation for How the West Wing predicted the 2008 Presidential Elections

Peer Review: A87743839 - How the West Wing predicted the 2008 Presidential Elections

Post 1

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

Entry: How the West Wing predicted the 2008 Presidential Elections - A87743839
Author: the_jon_m - U204330

Hello smiley - smiley

A87743839 - How the West Wing predicted the 2008 Presidential Elections

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

First off, let me say that I have never seen an episode of 'The West Wing'. But I'm a US citizen. So I might make have an idea or two.

It's an interesting premise - that the show predicted the 2008 election. smiley - smiley You've followed through nicely, too.

I have a few problems:

1. Like I said, I haven't seen the show. But are the writers really 'left wing'? The left wing is a dangerously endangered species in this nation. Do you mean 'liberal'? (Barack Obama is a 'Neo-Progressive'. Whatever that means.)

I realise 'liberal' means something different in the UK. 'Left-wing', to us, sounds either a) Communist, or b) like you're siding with the Tea Party.

2. I think you need to back up statements like 'she made his staff cringe with a string of gaffes where she revealed she had little idea about foreign affairs.'

Don't get me wrong. I AM left-wing. I agree with this statement. In fact, I think it's an understatement. I'd just like to see more detail. Quote her. (And mention hunting, moose, and beauty pageants.)

3. I got a little confused between the RL politics and the show. And I voted in the election. Could you come up with a way to clearly demarcate between fact and fiction?

After all, as the writers said, the fact is oft weirder than the fiction. Especially where the GOP is concerned.

I can back that statement up: the latest buzz on the two front-running GOP candidates is that Romney is an abuser of dogs, and Santorum is worried about Satanic attack... smiley - headhurts Oh, and 4 out of 10 people in the US don't know that the President is a Christian and not a Muslim, or that Mr Romney is a Mormon...this would not worry me if they didn't care one way or the other.

A87743839 - How the West Wing predicted the 2008 Presidential Elections

Post 3


I like this article, I enjoy the style, the title's catchy and really think the idea behind it is brilliant – however, I've not watched a single episode of The West Wing, which is why I've not commented before. So alas, I cannot comment on the content other than minor nitpicking (such as The West Wing should be in italics and if the title of the series is The West Wing rather than West Wing, capitalise the The) and mention things like 'When Palin walked out the her' not making sense. I'd love to say more helpful comments but hope that this will soon get the attention it deserves from the West Wing fans on the guide.


A87743839 - How the West Wing predicted the 2008 Presidential Elections

Post 4

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I echo that hope. It's an excellent contribution, and I have never seen 'The West Wing'. Yeah, I should be ashamed, I live in the US. smiley - winkeye

A87743839 - How the West Wing predicted the 2008 Presidential Elections

Post 5


In the Paragraph Dark Horse you state Gore was behind the movie "Unbelievable Truth"
The actual name was An Inconvenient Truth

A87743839 - How the West Wing predicted the 2008 Presidential Elections

Post 6

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

edited and added some links

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Post 7

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Post 8


smiley - applause

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Post 9


smiley - applauseCongratulations! I look forward to reading this one on the Front Page!


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