A Conversation for Lost Transmissions: Museums
So that's where I've been
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Feb 20, 2012
Great job Tim, you have really stolen a march on all the other Post reporters with this! What a scoop. Thanks for sharing.
So that's where I've been
Transmitter aka Tim Stevenson Posted Feb 20, 2012
The trouble is I wrote this LAST YEAR - scratches head....
So that's where I've been
Transmitter aka Tim Stevenson Posted Feb 21, 2012
And I won't mention the episode with Milla and the elastic band...
So that's where I've been
Transmitter aka Tim Stevenson Posted Feb 21, 2012
So sorry you and E were invisible this time around...
Would have been so nice to shake you warmly by the appendage.
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So that's where I've been
- 1: aka Bel - A87832164 (Feb 20, 2012)
- 2: Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' (Feb 20, 2012)
- 3: Transmitter aka Tim Stevenson (Feb 20, 2012)
- 4: aka Bel - A87832164 (Feb 20, 2012)
- 5: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Feb 20, 2012)
- 6: Transmitter aka Tim Stevenson (Feb 21, 2012)
- 7: Transmitter aka Tim Stevenson (Feb 21, 2012)
- 8: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Feb 21, 2012)
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