A Conversation for Colours of Wildlife: The Sharp-nosed Grass Frog: A World-class Leaper
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Icy North Started conversation Jan 30, 2012
He *does* have a sharp nose, doesn't he?
I can only think that it reduces drag. Did God design this one using a wind tunnel?
Well named :-)
Willem Posted Jan 30, 2012
Hi there Icy North! Thanks for your comment. I hope there's no rabid evolutionists here or you might get lynched for using the words 'God' and 'design'! On the science sites I frequent for instance it turns out these days you can't even say something such as a dolphin's shape being the ideal 'design' for minimising drag while swimming. You dare not use the word 'design' or anything that implies there's a purpose or plan to evolution or morphology! I quite believe in evolution but I think this is going a bit far. I do really think that there is more to this than merely living things being molded to their environments. In particular if that was all that evolution did, then *we* would not be explained by it. But anyways! Thanks for reading the entry.
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