A Conversation for Lost Transmission: Causality (Time Travel Part 3.)
Too true,sigh.
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Started conversation Jan 29, 2012
It gets to the point where all this funny stuff is no more ridculous that what is actually happening. I am groaning about the political situation in the United States. I think the two party system has become obsolete since the GOP seems to be more of the Looney party. One of the candidates Mitt Romney has about 50 times the wealth of O'bama. And he is the apparent front runner even though he is a Mormon which is older but everybit as science fictiony as Scientology.
I know that too many Americans believe in UFOs, but to elect someone whose religion is based on a plagurised sci-fi novel as interpreted by a pathological liar is really scarier than zombie movies.
Too true,sigh.
Transmitter aka Tim Stevenson Posted Jan 31, 2012
I know, I have been reading the reports of republican shoving and name calling in Florida. What a bunch of loonies! The idea that anyone would want either of these guys in charge of a country is laughable. All they are doing is pandering to the state demographics and pointing out how their opponents once had dinner with satan. Personally I'm a "none of the above" kind of guy - I always wonder what hellish deals these people have made behind the scenes that will steer their policy decisions when they end up in the big chair. It's all too weird.
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Too true,sigh.
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