A Conversation for Short Short Stories 2011

your short shorts

Post 1


smiley - space
smiley - smiley i am not sure if you are aware of just how good your short shorts are

if for any reason you might need extra income
you could probably, safely and without risk,
self publish them
perhaps as a small 6" x 6" book
to be kept on the back of the loo smiley - cheerup
or some such place of temporary occupation
where one or two of the stories could be appreciated
at one's leisure...

seriously, paulh
you have a gift

your short shorts

Post 2

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I'm going to make ten photocopies of the 44 stories, put them in binders, and give them to friends and relatives as Christmas presents. That's self-publication of a sort. smiley - smiley

It's also an answer to the perennial problem of figuring out what gifts would be appropriate to give. I can be pretty sure that the people on my gift list don't already have theseparticular stories. smiley - winkeye

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