A Conversation for Christmas in Kiwiland
Thanks for letting us know what it is like down under.
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Started conversation Dec 22, 2011
Mid summer Christmas's are a fun change from the 'same old' up here. Out in the it won't be there at all. Because everyday will be special and fun. Non of this 'annual' nonsense.
Thanks for letting us know what it is like down under.
Rod Posted Dec 26, 2011
Fun? Speakest thou of fun? Nay, I tell thee, 'tis a pain in the ayrus, little there is of fun.
Sorry I took so long to reply
Thanks for letting us know what it is like down under.
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Dec 26, 2011
No problem. Just remember you OWE your fans something! Happy New Year to you all!
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Thanks for letting us know what it is like down under.
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