
7 Conversations


People Offended Optometrically

Do you find the eyes next to user names get creepy as the night wears on?

Do you fine that your eyes are mysteriously drawn to them when you typing away on hootooo?

Do you think that a much better online symbol could have been chosen?

Well help is at hand. Here at POO, we are dedicated to the removal of the eyes and their replacement with a better symbol.

We believe that it should be every researchers right to choose their own online smiley. Let the WEEites have their eyes, but let us have something else.

Do you have what it takes to join our organisation?

Can you see yourself as a piece of POO?

So join POO, help decide what the symbol should be, and campaign for the removal of the eyes.
You know they're watching you.

Remember, POO is a pro-choice organistation, if you like the eyes, under POO you can keep the eyes. Personally we'd like something a lot better, but we campaing for the right to choose. Unlike WEE, whose fascist, 'Be like us or else' ideology is frankly unnaceptable.



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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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