A Conversation for United Nations

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A8740208 - United Nations

Post 1

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Entry: United Nations - A8740208
Author: John-the-gardener, h2g2 Friends of Tibet (A2170982) - U33262

I picked up this Entry from the Flea Market so long ago that I wonder whether the person who actually picked it up was me or merely an imposter, too young to actually convince anyone that he is me. Anyway, very little in the way of progress towards actually finishing the thing seems to have taken place in recent weeks. So, in light of the vastness of the subject and the monumental nature of my own seeming inability to get this done, does anyone want to lend a hand or, in fact, take over entirely?

A8740208 - United Nations

Post 2


That's a big topic you took on, and you've got a small start. All I can say is good luck!

A8740208 - United Nations

Post 3

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Not interested in lending a hand, eh?

I picked this up from the Flea Market some time ago. It is a big topic, especially in light of current events. smiley - doh

A8740208 - United Nations

Post 4


If you've lost interest John, why not pop it back in the Flea Market?

A8740208 - United Nations

Post 5

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Good suggestion! I'll do that. smiley - ok

A8740208 - United Nations

Post 6

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Apparently, the way to do that is to go for a long walk. So, off I go... smiley - whistle

A8740208 - United Nations

Post 7


smiley - laugh

Have a nice time. Take a thermos, and some fruit to snack on, though smiley - ok

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