A Conversation for Talking Point: Now and Then

Life is hard

Post 1

Hayal Benim

When I was a kid I used to read Science-Fiction and dream about other worlds and understanding this one. I also wanted to become an astronaut but later on it didn't seem such a good idea to lock oneself up in a little shuttle.
Now I am a theoretical physicist, I still read SF and still try to understand the world. But I did get a little bit disappointed in life, people, family. I used to believe that everyone was honest, good, openminded, full of love, etc. And that the world was such a nice place where people helped each other. And that my family would always be there for me. Now I learnt that these are illusions. Of course there are some people who are all these things, but most people are not. It's been really hard for me to accept this and to live on. I still live in a world I created around myself where people are nice and I tend to close my eyes to the other parts of the world since I cannot change them.
I know I shouldn't be complaining, I have a good life and a wonderful husband, but this doesn't change the fact that life isn't perfect.
I think the young me would be proud of me for the things I have achieved so far, but it's a pity that things aren't easier...

Life is hard

Post 2

Nitina the Pig (see my new personal space!)

I can relate to the you are feeling, as i used to think that about people as well; that everyone was good, honest, caring and loving. Unfortunately though, most people aren't like that these days, and even though i try not to let it bother me so much, it's hard to turn a blind eye to it all sometimes. I have a great life too, where i couldn't be happier, but i find myself to be quite sensitive, and wish i could change the world to a better place. My husband-to-be is always advising me on this, that i should just concentrate on our life and ignore everyone else as they don't matter to us, and i know he is right. We just have to accept things they way they are...Just feel lucky that you have something that other people would dream of smiley - smiley.

Life is hard

Post 3

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I am so glad I was told early in life:
Life is NOT fair, do not expect it. Life is hard but the simple joys can be frequent and great a healer. Sharing is important.

I was also told to treat others fairly, reguardless. Do so because people are the best and worst part of life. You cannot afford to intentionally or accidentally mistreat a single one! smiley - smiley

I am essentially the same as when a child. I have additional layers and dimensions from my experiences.
Mostly ,I just have more memories! smiley - smiley

smiley - disco

Life is hard

Post 4


Hi Folks, I hear what your saying, everyone has got scars they picked through the journey of life. I reckon some hide them better than others, but they cant hide the fact that they are theresmiley - ok you can see them in the eyes, how about this wee ditty, its one of the verses of a thing I wrote yrs agosmiley - ok
Old worn leters, tell of our history
Of our early days, so full of mystery
These are the things, so desperately sought
For once theyve been lived, they can not be forgot.
smiley - cheersSmudger

Life is hard

Post 5

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Nice and appropriate smiley - oksmiley - smiley

smiley - disco

Life is hard

Post 6


Thanks Abbi, wish I could remember the rest of itsmiley - ok
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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