A Conversation for Take it to the Max: New Arrival

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Post 1


smiley - laugh Max looks wild grouchy in that right-hand banner pic. But sophisticated - something very Noel Coward in the expression!

Wait til they are just a *bit* bigger. There's a spaniel pup in my neighbourhood - about 4 months at a guess - and it's the funniest, gangliest wee dog I've ever seen. It looks like it's made out of pipe cleaners. I'm sure in time it'll grow into it's body!

Dai's got it right though - they are lovely puppies.

young pups

Post 2


He's quite young in the right hand photo! Which reminds me, friends of ours are getting another Weim shortly - I love the puppies with their beautiful blue eyes, so I shall be cooing and ooh-ing over him/her too!

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