The Place of Green Tendrils
Created | Updated Aug 21, 2011
They're at it again, folks. Those indefatigable and highly imaginative people over at the AWW keep coming up with ways to challenge one another. The Prof advises us that to understand his latest foray into fine writing, we need to read up on the discussion. Whether you do or not, you'll find the following worth your while.
What do they write about over there? Many things. But often, as here, they write about writing. A postmodernist's heaven, is what it is.
This essay or short story (which amounts to a full-blown deconstruction of the imaginative process) has it all – excitement, thrills, philosophical musings, and above all, the kind of elevated landscape description which would thrill Horace Wallingford, Mark Twain, and the UG Miners.
I hope they're all taking notes. Thanks to Elektragheorgheni for the illustration.
The Place of Green Tendrils

The moonbeams pierced through the ever-thickening cloud cover, giving an eerie glow of a greenish spectral hue. This caused concern amongst the locals, as it was 2.15 Post Meridiem. And with half the village running to the library to look up what "Post Meridiem" meant.
The village always had a reputation/image of being "lost" in time within the county, at least! The villagers thought so! as for some unknown reason and has never been checked or verified, has never been on any map for the last two centuries and even the local council of the area has no records of the village ever existing.
No roads actually lead to the village and the surrounding "area" gives the presence of a Bermuda Triangle-type approach, where no one of any sane mind will venture1.
Green Tendrils does not actually exist in reality, which throws the first 14 lines, into a load of "well! You read it (and you know what I'm like)".
BUT! That isn't to say that it doesn't exist! As it does in the minds that DO know it exists .
This isn't just another middle-way zone-type scenario2, as in this one, only the good and righteous and those who can think/see past the "human" norm can envelope the nature and existence of "The Place of Green Tendrils" into something not envisaged within the concepts of human thought.
Is it a place of sanctuary, where the concept of evil, corruption and other assorted words defining the same don't exist? Who knows?
Is it a Hamlet3 where malignant forces control the inhabitants below, from a castle shrouded in mist upon a cliff top overlooking the small population? Chances are – NO! (Reason for that is 4 because I've written this).
Another scenario could be a quaint Yorkshire village where little old ladies drink cinnamon tea (laced with vodka) out on the pavilion lawn, while the vicar and the local men folk play cricket.
This isn't an actuality either; it's just to help fill the page while I think of something else.
(At this time, I will digress a little) and say that, with the title of this err! Story/tale or whatever it turns out to be? I used "centre" on Office Word for the title (I'm learning )5.
Anyway! Back to Green Tendrils, it's a place between what the consciousness thinks it‘s like and what the sub-conscious would like it to be like. BUT! Let it be known far and wide, it's NOT a housing estate, a retirement home, a golf course or something running down a scruffy kid's nose6.
Green Tendrils could even be thought of as an alien entity or an alien world in a far-off galaxy, then again! Some form of human contracted infection that defies medical knowledge and antibiotics to control or defeat.
I'd hate to say to friends and or family! That I've caught a case of the Green Tendrils! And NOT knowing if it's isolated infection or catching as in a pandemic.
Then again! IF it was a newly undiscovered disease and would make its name in the history books, then it COULD be worth catching
(hoping of course, that's it's curable
Going back to the title though! "The Place of Green Tendrils"
As much as MY mind can travel the known universe (at least it's not stuck on the planet Earth, as my body is) or go beyond the bounds of most "human' thinking, as they struggle with thought of lateral thinking8, whether Green Tendrils will become a play or television series, who knows? All I know, is that most of you will once again (has happens with much of the drivel I write) continue reading right to the bottom, just to see how it ends or if it has an ending.
Mounting suspense!
So I think I'll call this bit............................9