A Conversation for I'm New - What Do I Do Now?
New user finding my way around.
DAVEOFDRIG Started conversation May 27, 2009
Hello all you out there.
Just joined h2g2, and would like any advice on getting started. To those who have been here a while, it will seem so easy, but to me it's like getting into a car I have never driven before, very confusing, know what I want to do, but no instructions on what button to press.
Hope someone can help me.
Thank You.
New user finding my way around.
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Posted May 27, 2009
Hello Dave, I believe you will soon get a visit to your homepage by an ACE, who will welcome you officially and give you lots of useful links. They will be a helpful guide if you are stranded.
In the meantime here is a link to 'Ask' where you can look at some of the conversations that are going on - and join in if you wish
When I joined -(not so long ago - I think I still qualify for being new) - I used my back button on the browser to find my way home like a sort of trail of breadcrumbs.
If you click on the researchers tagline it will take you to their homepage and you can meet some really interesting members
If you click on a smiley it will take you to the smiley centre
There are lots of really top quality entries in the Edited Guide, and Some fantastic writing in the Underguide, and lots of other random interesting stuff in general entries. It depends on your interests, but I do hope you will return and enjoy finding your way around. You can always use this smiley
*to attach yourself!
*best not read in Goo
New user finding my way around.
Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired Posted May 27, 2009
Traveller in Times in the mast (on a raft somewhere in the North Sea)
" best before goo ?
(The smiley is not visible in goo, perhaps it will be before goo is gone. ) "
New user finding my way around.
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Posted May 27, 2009
Sad but true Traveller in Times, Goo is my favourite but I am trying to get used to Alabaster, just in case
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New user finding my way around.
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