The h2g2 Post 03.10.11

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 3rd October 2011

The king is dead – long live the king!

So this is the last issue of the h2g2 Post which is hosted on the BBC servers – if only for a few hours. At the same time, it is the first issue on the new servers, which is very exciting. It means I get to write the editorial for the last and the first issue all rolled into one.

This is not just about leaving the BBC, however. I'm leaving my post as Post Editor, too, and Dmitri will take on from now on. I meant to do it a lot earlier; I think the Post needs a fresh face, new ideas, something to bring it forward. I've never been a 'maker' like Skankyrich was, I'm more the organizer and keeper type. As you all know Dmitri well, you'll know that the Post will never be dull. His pool of ideas and challenges is very deep, and the Post will be in very good hands.

It's been a great ride, and I love you all, but it's time for me to get back to other things, and I fully expect my future roles as a noohootoo volunteer to be as challenging as the Post, and to take up a bit more of my time than before, because I had stopped most volunteer schemes when I took over as Post Editor. So goodbye Auntie Beeb, welcome noohootoo and Dmitri.





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