A Conversation for Lady Scott's Adoption Center
Lady Scott's Adoptions
Pandora...Born Again Tart Posted Jul 8, 2005
Yes pleae and thank you!
I knew these curtains would be yummy! Look at the pretty flowers on um!
...*places a for Lady Scott on her dresser...*
After all. I'm not ALL b-a-a-a-ad.
Lady Scott's Adoptions
Pandora...Born Again Tart Posted Jul 14, 2005
...*puts three li'l drops of rum in the baby's bottle...*
Why are you all looking at me like that? again?!
She's teething.
...*puts Faith on her back and carefully walks around while Faith holds onto the nice black wool...* The lanolin will make her bottom smooth as a, er, a,
a baby's butt!
Lady Scott's Adoptions
Yael Smith Posted Dec 28, 2005
Another year, another baby on the way. You'll have to update again soon, Lady Scott.
Happy New Year to all!
Lady Scott's Adoptions
Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me Posted Jan 10, 2006
what a bad pun!
Lady Scott's Adoptions
Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me Posted Jan 13, 2006
Well it can hardly be called one of the greats.
~tries to think of a pun. Fails~
Lady Scott's Adoptions
Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me Posted Jan 20, 2006
must be getting old...
Lady Scott's Adoptions
HappyDude Posted Feb 3, 2006
no, it wuz my idea of wot happens after drinking fermented celery juice.
Lady Scott's Adoptions
Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me Posted Feb 3, 2006
That sounds great!
I'd be amaised if you could find celery with enough sugar!
Lady Scott's Adoptions
Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it! Posted Feb 3, 2006
maybe you need to add extera suger to get it to ferment...
Lady Scott's Adoptions
Pandora...Born Again Tart Posted Feb 3, 2006
Yeah. Like there's such as thing as a 'GOOD' pun.
You must have not been around when I held the h2g2 Pun-A-Thon.
I had full rights to the asprin stand as well as an oak block on which folks could bash their heads!
Celery!!!! Why not just get into Lady Scott's pills?
Lady Scott's Adoptions
Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it! Posted Feb 4, 2006
who knows what those whould do...
I dread to think
pandora taking unnessesary medication ment for lady scott
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Lady Scott's Adoptions
- 3221: Lady Scott (Jul 8, 2005)
- 3222: Pandora...Born Again Tart (Jul 8, 2005)
- 3223: PaperKid (Jul 12, 2005)
- 3224: Pandora...Born Again Tart (Jul 14, 2005)
- 3225: HappyDude (Dec 26, 2005)
- 3226: Yael Smith (Dec 28, 2005)
- 3227: Pandora...Born Again Tart (Jan 8, 2006)
- 3228: HappyDude (Jan 8, 2006)
- 3229: Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me (Jan 10, 2006)
- 3230: Yael Smith (Jan 13, 2006)
- 3231: Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me (Jan 13, 2006)
- 3232: Yael Smith (Jan 19, 2006)
- 3233: Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me (Jan 20, 2006)
- 3234: HappyDude (Jan 25, 2006)
- 3235: Yael Smith (Jan 26, 2006)
- 3236: HappyDude (Feb 3, 2006)
- 3237: Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me (Feb 3, 2006)
- 3238: Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it! (Feb 3, 2006)
- 3239: Pandora...Born Again Tart (Feb 3, 2006)
- 3240: Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it! (Feb 4, 2006)
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