A Conversation for Regiment Smeg

The Smeg Barracks

Post 101



1. Read my entry on 'Nothing' at A886296 and comment on it in pr
2. Read my entry on 'The 24 Game' at A902206 and comment on it in pr
3. Read my entry on 'Blank Pages in Exam Papers' at A903070 and comment on it in pr
4. Join The Smiley Battle at F97504?thread=231557&latest=1 and battle with smilies
5. Join the Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War battle at F97504?thread=211113&latest=1
6. If you were already involved in the battles mentioned in orders 4 and 5, then simply do something in those threads
7. Tell me a joke, either in this thread, the Smeg Terranic Chapel thread, or on my personal space

Just to let everyone know, that all orders are voluntary. now, for those who wnat to know what you get for following the orders, here is the list (only for this batch of orders of course):

If you follow 2 or more orders you get: A cup of smiley - tea, directly from me
3 or more orders: A smiley - choc as well
4 or more orders: A piece of smiley - cake too
5 or more orders: A guaranteed promotion when I give out my first batch of promotions in 2003

Enjoy!smiley - smiley

spooksmiley - aliensmile

The Smeg Barracks

Post 102


smiley - ok
*Read the entries trying to come up with something really good to say.*
FYI spook, in A903070 in (I think) the second to last paragraph you had a typo and put "ove" and it should be "over".

The Smeg Barracks

Post 103


spelling corrected, and u don't have to say good things skullock, just give your honest opinions of the entries in the pr threads. it won't effect your chanes of a promotion if you say something bad.

spooksmiley - aliensmile

The Smeg Barracks

Post 104

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I'll leave you with a joke


What's the difference between the Queen and Bill Clinton

You only have to go down on one knee to meet the Queensmiley - laugh

smiley - love for the last timesmiley - cry Reefgirl

The Smeg Barracks

Post 105


1. Done ages ago
2. Done
3. Done
4. Done (you didn't mention what side i had to join on smiley - winkeye)
5. Done
6. N/A
7. "One day a an inflatable boy took a pin into his inflatable school to show
his inflatable teacher.

His teacher said to him:

'Not only have you let yourself down, but you've let me and the whole school

That good enough, sir?

Private Tango

The Smeg Barracks

Post 106


smiley - laugh

number 1 doesn't count tango as you have to comment again on how it is now, as it's prob changed since u last read it, but u have 5 anyway without it so u'd only be commenting on it again to earn yourself a higher promotion perhaps.

of course, the more jokes the better as well!smiley - smiley

The Smeg Barracks

Post 107


I've emailed you some jokes, there are too many to post here. I guess I should re-read the nothing entry. I've been putting it of for weeks as my smiley - headhurts everytime i read it. smiley - winkeye


The Smeg Barracks

Post 108


smiley - laugh

you really want a promotion. i guess i'm gonna have to think of what to promote you to.

promotions will occur ina couple of weeks, to give people a chance to come back from the xmas holidays and follow the orders.

nice jokes smiley - smiley

spooksmiley - aliensmile

The Smeg Barracks

Post 109

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

And this man was sitting in his livingroom, reading his paper. Suddenly, the doorbell rings. The man gets up, opens the door, and facing him is a 6-foot cockroach. The cockroach punches him on the nose, and runs away. The next day, the same thing happens, only the cockroach gives him a karate-chop on the arm. The next day, he gets beat up so badly by the cockroach that he has to go to hospital. While he is sitting in the first aid post, this doctor comes and asks him what happened. The man tells the story, and the doctor nods understandingly. Yes, he says, there's a nasty bug around.

The Smeg Barracks

Post 110

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

done 2&3 as well SAH!

The Smeg Barracks

Post 111

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

*pokes head in* Is this our barracks? Didn't know I was in a regiment, sorry I'm late! smiley - erm I'm not too funny, but here's a quote from Jack Handy: "If I had an old mine, I wouldn't just abandon it... there HAS to be a better way!" and one from the dear Ralph Wiggum "Me fail English? That's un-possible!"

Sorry, spook love... didn't mean to come in late, what's up?

The Smeg Barracks

Post 112


not much yet, but i'm soon doing some promotions, so perhaps you should impress me with some jokes or something!smiley - smiley

The Smeg Barracks

Post 113


The other day I was late coming home from a party. My parents, being parents, start asking all sorts of questions as to why I was late. I told them I had got pulled over by a cop. Then continued to question me. I told them to calm down and listen so I could explain. I had lost track of time as we were watching a movie, but I left as soon as i realised what time it was and hurried as fast as i could home. As I has driving home I notice the cop pull out behind me, this made me a little nevous as cops seem to pull anyone over around here just for fun. Suddenly a duck(or some kind of foul) flew out of the ditch, hit the hood of my pick up, and went over the top of my vehical and hit the police car behind me. The cop them turned on his lights, pulled me over and gave me a ticket. "For what?" my parents asked. Well, for Flipping him the bird.

There's my joke hope it makes sense!

The Smeg Barracks

Post 114

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Is flipping someone a bird an expression?

The Smeg Barracks

Post 115

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

{we also call it "giving them the finger" here in the U.S.}

Hey... what did one burp say to the other burp?

Let's be rebels and go out the other end!!!!!

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh
smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Okay. I got nuthin'.


The Smeg Barracks

Post 116

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

What did the sea say to the shore?

Nothing, it just waved!

The Smeg Barracks

Post 117


smiley - groan

I go away for a bit and come back to this confusion!

Captain Bishop Odo, reporting for duety after an extended leave of absence due to technical difficulties, Sir.

The Smeg Barracks

Post 118

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

Considering that Our Dear Leader, spook, has temporarily taken leave out of family bereavement, the next question is... who is the highest ranking officer? Because they should mobilize the force smiley - 2cents * Pleeze don't let it be me.*

The Smeg Barracks

Post 119


yankee is the highest ranking officer, however, i think i'm gonna leave him temporarily in charge with bishop odo, so you are joint in charge until further notice.


The Smeg Barracks

Post 120


Right you are then.

Hmmm, off to try and find out what is going on.

*mutters* I don't know, you have to leave for a few weeks and ..........

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