A Conversation for Freakangels - a webcomic by Warren Ellis

notes from anhaga . . .

Post 1


. . . take them or leave them as you wish.smiley - smiley

First off, the pale skin of the FreakAngels is paralleled in the Midwich Cuckoos, as are the unusually coloured eyes -- violet for the FreakAngels, golden for the Cuckoos. The Cuckoos all have 'slightly darkened blond' hair while the FreakAngels (when they have hair) are all dark haired.

The distinctive violet colour of the FreakAngels' eyes I think is clearly a reference to the Cuckoos major distinctive physical characteristic as well as being a distinction making clear that these are *not* the Cuckoos.

notes from anhaga . . .

Post 2


I've been continuing with Wyndham's novel and this bit from chapter 18 is where I -- if I where writing the entry -- would begin:

'Now, what frightens me is the thought of the power producible by an understandingvworking on even a small quantity of knowledge-fuel when it has an extraction-efficiency thirty times that of our own. *What it may produce when the Children are mature I cannot begin imagine.*'

FreakAngels is *exactly* such an imagining.smiley - smiley

notes from anhaga . . .

Post 3

Taff Agent of kaos

have you looked up ps238 yet??

smiley - bat

notes from anhaga . . .

Post 4


Yes, but I ve not started reading it yet.

smiley - sorry

notes from anhaga . . .

Post 5

Taff Agent of kaos

its ok

don't worry

its not going anywheresmiley - ok

smiley - bat

notes from anhaga . . .

Post 6


I haven't got to it yet either. I've had a fairly busy weekend.

Thanks for the notes anhaga. I'll do my best to incorporate them. It's a good idea for the opening.


notes from anhaga . . .

Post 7


Again, don't feel any obligation to use any of my suggestions.smiley - smiley

And, thanks for `planting the idea of rereading Wyndham. I'm really enjoying it.smiley - smiley

And, a small note about the Children's skin. It's not so much pale as 'luminous' even when they have a sun tan.

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