A Conversation for Barriers To Learning For Adults... (personal barriers)

Barriers to education - cost

Post 1

Reality Manipulator

Where I live I do not get any reductions on the cost of further education, I have to pay the full lot even though I am on a low income only because I get Invalid Care Allowance and they do not give any reductions for this benefit. Even elderly only get a small discount on further education courses. I asked at the College but they said that was the rules and they could not be changed even though I was on a low income.

JA smiley - wizard

Barriers to education - cost

Post 2

Loup Dargent

hi kathrine...

yep... a perfect example of personal barrier and institutional barrier...

personal... because people might not take the step of going back to a learning environment if they feel/know that it will mean a too big financial sacrifice...

institutional... well it's obvious that something has to be done there at a government [national and/or local] level... rules can be changed... and in this case, rules should be changed...

after christmas i might add more to these entries... more details/infos/etc... i will definitely look into grants/help available for adults who want to go back into a learning environment...

thanks for your input...

talk later...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Barriers to education - cost

Post 3

Reality Manipulator

smiley - ta

JA smiley - wizard

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