A Conversation for Regiment Gazpacho

Gazpacho mess room

Post 1

British :Stiff upper lip {Moody with wiT} Generally full of sh.......

This is the Gazpacho mess room

Gazpacho mess room

Post 2


*walking around camp creachy cannot quite believe his eyes! there is now not only a barracks but a mess roomsmiley - biggrin.*
perfect for eating my huge ham salad roll in me thinks.
*enters mess room*
spiffin, absolutely spiffin
*take seat at nearest table and starts eating*

Gazpacho mess room

Post 3


*finishes rollsmiley - burger and decides a cup of smiley - coffee would go down well, oh no, no smiley - coffee machine. stands up sharply with purpose written all over his face and exits mess room.*smiley - grr

Gazpacho mess room

Post 4

British :Stiff upper lip {Moody with wiT} Generally full of sh.......

*British walks in, drifts across to the north wall, moves a screen across from the wall to Reveille a tea and coffee machine, a bar with optix and everything*

*takes his drink, leans to creachy with an intimidating manner and says "Its all here private but somtimes as with many things its just not as it seems"

Breaks wind and sits down in his comfy rubber chair.....

Gazpacho mess room

Post 5


*creachy walks back in to mess room carrying a large cylindrical object. notices new adornment to north wall and swears*

do u realise how much trouble i am going to be in with my mum sir. well, now we have a spare onesmiley - biggrin

*walks over to bar and grabs a smiley - stiffdrink and a smiley - stout and walks over to his superior*

mind if i join u sir?

Gazpacho mess room

Post 6

British :Stiff upper lip {Moody with wiT} Generally full of sh.......

Sure sit, chill but hey go easy on the stiff ones.............
I must appologise for my arse as i have a digestion problem at the moment

*breaks wind and lets rip with the air freshner*

Gazpacho mess room

Post 7


*pulls up chair and starts choking. downs smiley - stiffdrink*

pretty quiet out there tonight sir, is there any news of up coming attacks or offencive moves? i am getting a bit restless i am, plus i need to get some fresh air, soon!

Gazpacho mess room

Post 8

British :Stiff upper lip {Moody with wiT} Generally full of sh.......

Don't worry if theres anything going off you WILL be informed, i think we have reached a platoe and are just waiting for someone to have a go.............
*breaks wind*

I am a peacefull person creachy, but snidy indeed thats why im the co-vert officer. I move with stealth every move is very coordinated.

Even my wind breaking! *breaks wind*

Whats your speciality?

Gazpacho mess room

Post 9


information gathering, as you know i am your mp. and i never say die!
*salutes, but you have to wonder if this is just to get the air circulating*
i also have a handy wrist device that shift time and location, but its broken at the moment. bit of a mishap with some exploding daisy pettles on the battlefield.
*takes big swig of smiley - stout leaving a frothy moustache*

Gazpacho mess room

Post 10

British :Stiff upper lip {Moody with wiT} Generally full of sh.......

Mmmmm tash suits you creachy....
Handy wrist device that sounds errm well a bit iffy i much prefere to enjoy that sort of thing with a lady.

*breaks wind* *barphs*

Its nice when its quiet, as you can have a good read thru all the back log n stuff, you on shift tonight or off? ive got sun/pm mon/pm then im off till erm dunno. have you copped the crimbo cak shifts?

Gazpacho mess room

Post 11


yeah i am on tonight and tmrw night 8-8. then i am off til friday. but over chrimbo i am working on my local youth radio station set up for students, i am not a student and i am 21, did i mention i am a good tactician?
*wipes tach off then takes another swig ofsmiley - stout negating the last action*
*offers british a rolly*

Gazpacho mess room

Post 12


*smiley - crescentmooncreachy rises unsteadily to his feet. mutters some kind of obscenity under his breath to noone in particular and staggers out the door. on the table are 25 smiley - empty's of smiley - stout and 12 empty smiley - stiffdrinks. obviously it was not a good idea to leave him alone with the new freshly stocked bar!*

*incidently, while we are on the subject we need more tequila and jd*

Gazpacho mess room

Post 13

British :Stiff upper lip {Moody with wiT} Generally full of sh.......

No, no thanks but i don't do cancer!
Thanks for the offer, much prefere to drink me sen to death*parp*

Gazpacho mess room

Post 14


smiley - run

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