A Conversation for Aass Brewery

Writing Workshop: A854714 - Aass Brewery

Post 1


Entry: Aass Brewery - A854714
Author: Klatti - U205763

This is my first try on making a a entry for the guide.
I greatfull for any comments or suggestions regarding this entry.

A854714 - Aass Brewery

Post 2

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Hi there Klatti!

I imagine that you (like me) aren't a native English speaker so let's better leave the grammar to the SubEd. This is a nice entry and IMHO there's three things left to do with it:

1) check for typos. You can copy the source text into Word or some other word processor and run a spell check on it, then copy the text back into Notepad and post it. (If you copy directly from WinWord, you'll see ugly things being done to apostrophes etc, so you better don't do that)

2) clarify that Norway isn't bound by Bavarian Middle-Age legislation but that customers prefer beer being brewed that way smiley - winkeye You can also link to A593697 which has some more details on that law.

3) remove it from the Workshop (there's a 'remove' link down in the list at <./>RF2</.> and put it into PeerReview smiley - biggrin

smiley - alesmiley - stoutsmiley - cheers


A854714 - Aass Brewery

Post 3


Thanks a million for your suggestions.

I have put it up for PeerReview now. (a bit scared of doing that since it's the first time)
Klatti smiley - cheers

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