Aass Brewery

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Aass Breweryis the oldest brewery in Norway, and it's located in the town Drammen (about 25km south of Oslo).

It started up in 1834, and today they have about 150 people working there.
They produce aprox. 30 different sorts of beer for the Norwegian marked, but only about 4 for export.

The annual production of beer is aprox. 85 000 barrels.
The location is in the same place in central Drammen, overlooking the Drammens fjord, as it was from the beginning.
There has been numerous expansions during the years, the last one in 1989 all built in the same classic stile.

'Purity law' (Wheat Beer)

In 1516, Duke Wilhelm of Bavaria established a law admitting only:

- Malted barley

- Hops yeast

- Water
Was to be used as ingredients in the production of beer.

The law is known as the 'purity law', and Aass Brewery is still making their beer after this old law.
The breweries are not bound by this law, but norwegian consumers prefer the tast of beer brewed in this way.
Aass are using pure clean water from a lake called Glitre, witch is located in the forest just outside Drammen.

You may wonder about the name?

It was a young fellow with the name Poul Lauritz Aass that bought the brewery in 1860.
Since then, it has been in the same family, and is today run by the 4th generation of Aass.
(By the way - A real Norwegian Viking would pronounce it 'Ouse')

Aass has also got the largest 'fan-club' of any brewery in Norway, called 'Drammens Ølets venner' (Friends of Drammen's beer) witch has 30.000 members. Their slogan is: Never drink water, Aass for Us!

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