A Conversation for MeetSheep Keepers

Currently feeding with hay and chips..

Post 1

Zantic - Who is this woman??

Although you know this yourself dear sheep, I, Zantic smiley - devilsmiley - scientist an currently attempting a clone of you. I doubt it will work as I have to pass you on at the Scotmeet...which is probably going to take place on the 28th of Dec (but we don't know yet, rightly)

I'll probably be passing you on to either Munchkin or Jamie......(Jamie if I can't get to the meet myself)


Now, would you like some ketchup with that?

Currently feeding with hay and chips..

Post 2


Mmmm... food!

* grazes thoughtfully *

Yes, perhaps a dollop of ketchup with this hay...

smiley - sheep

Currently feeding with hay and chips..

Post 3

Zantic - Who is this woman??

*passes over the squeezy ketchup bottle*

How you getting on witht he duck, dragon and cow? I though I heard you lot fighting last night?

Currently feeding with hay and chips..

Post 4



Fighting? Us?

* tries not to look guilty *

smiley - sheep

Currently feeding with hay and chips..

Post 5

Zantic - Who is this woman??

Hmmm...explain the cow's black eye then..... smiley - winkeye

Currently feeding with hay and chips..

Post 6


smiley - erm

It was like that when I got here?

smiley - sheep

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