MeetSheep Keepers

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This page is a full list of those researchers who gave of their time to care for the researcher known only as MeetSheep.

Date ReceivedName of ResearcherMeets attended (including dates)
14th September 2002Dr St JustinAlton Towers: 13th-15th September 2002
24th October 2002VIP (very important Princess)Oxford: 2nd November 2002
2nd November 2002AbiLondon: 23rd November 2002
23rd November 2002Zantic *evil scientist in training*Glasgow Scotmeet: 28th December 2002
28th December 2002MunchkinLondon WinterMeet: 25th January 2003
25th January 2003CrozManchester Curry Crawl: 8th February 2003
8th February 2003The Thinker 1121Los Angeles Minuscule Meet: 23rd February 2003
8th February 2003Event Horizon, Babel 17 & Sus2nd SW Summer Meet: 14th - 21st June 2003
28thJune 2003Z Phantom , "Back to Basics" Party in the Park (Official Party) 28th - 29th June 2003

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