A Conversation for The h2g2 Dave Gorman Appreciation Club, Society, Fannish Thing
I have seen the light
Abi Started conversation Oct 29, 2002
and wish to be moved from your second list to your first one.
All hail the mighty Dave!
I have seen the light
Geggs Posted Oct 30, 2002
Great! That's something I've not got around to doing meself.
You'll have to tell us what he's like live.
Which show are you going to see? Cus he's touring with both live shows this year!
I have seen the light
Abi Posted Nov 21, 2002
OMG! It was fantastic. He is so good live on stage! I haven't laughed so much in ages.
But I was too shy to go and say hello afterwards.
I have seen the light
Geggs Posted Nov 21, 2002
Could you tell me a bit more, though? I know the general idea of Better World, but what did he do to make the world better, and how did he judge the results?
Geggs (turning green with envy)
I have seen the light
Abi Posted Nov 21, 2002
Well he picks out some of his favourite and least favourite letters that he got in response and talks about how he tried to implement the ideas contained within and what we can do to make the world a better place.
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I have seen the light
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