A Conversation for The Hall of Scavengers

Scavengers: I've got five

Post 1


I've rescued five entries from the Flea Market now:

A4044881 - 'Fragging' in Computer Games
A4122811 - Driving on the 'Wrong' Side of the Road - a Guide for British Drivers
A7078827 - Geolocation Code in Webpages
A15847509 - The Metropolitan Area Express, Portland, USA
A55283547 - Unwanted Mail

May I have a nice brown badge, please? smiley - grovel

smiley - cheers
Alex smiley - smiley

Scavengers: I've got five

Post 2


Should be winging its way to you posthaste messr. smiley - ok

Congrats smiley - bubbly

Scavengers: I've got five

Post 3


smiley - tasmiley - smiley

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