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Everton bid for Smith.

Post 1

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

Everton have made a £7m offer for Alan Smith:


Is this just froth or has real money suddenly been made available to Dave Moyes? Could this be deferred money from the sale of Wayne Rooney even.

Everton bid for Smith.

Post 2


Well, tuesday's Echo said that Moyesie only had 1.5mil to spend, including wages, over the summer, but Kenwright was trying to secure more cash.

Three options:

1) Kenwright's got more cash, bid is serious
2) Rooney's on his way to Chelsea and we're lining up a replacement
3) Kenwright knows Smith wanst to join Man U but thinks that a bid for a high profile player will placate fans and make the board look like they're giving Moyes backing, while they know damn well they're not going to get him.

Everton bid for Smith.

Post 3

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

Apparantly the Leeds board have made a statement saying they have received no official approach from Everton - BBC radio 5. It reminds me of when we bid 10m for Shearer in the full knowledge Newcastle would bid the Earth for him. Imagine if the bid was acceptedsmiley - blush

Everton bid for Smith.

Post 4

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

Moyes and Kenwright have confirmed the bid id real on the website:

Here we go!!!

Everton bid for Smith.

Post 5

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

Nice spoof of the current front page of the offical club site!


Everton bid for Smith.

Post 6


scathing article by dave Prentice of the Echo- http://icliverpool.icnetwork.co.uk/0400evertonfc/0100news/tm_objectid=14262735%26method=full%26siteid=50061%26headline=taking%2dthe%2dp%2d%2d%2d%2d-name_page.html

Everton bid for Smith.

Post 7

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

Now we have the Liverpool Thailand bid transmogrifying into a possible Everton bid. The Thai's say they want a piece of the action of A premier club. The way things are financially at Goodison I'd say take it.

Everton bid for Smith.

Post 8


According to today's Times, Trevor Birch could be appointed as our chief executive within the next 48 hours and would immediately start work trying to find major investors- he's the man who brokered the Abramovich deal for Chelsea, and he think he negotiated the deal to save Leeds as well.

Everton bid for Smith.

Post 9


Today's Indy reports that Sir Philip Carter may stand down as chairman, sparking a race between kenwright and Paul gregg to replace him.

Everton bid for Smith.

Post 10

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

The Echo carries a similar story. However, they point that Gregg(who came in as part of the SFX package) has not attended a home or away game for a year and has apparantly been trying to offload his shares. Blue Bill will apparantly move in as Chairman and make room for one or two other new faces on the board along with his stalwarts and try and force Gregg and others out.

Everton bid for Smith.

Post 11


Well, Birch has been confirmed as Chief Executive Officer.


Everton bid for Smith.

Post 12


carter has stepped down from the board after 30 years and kenwright's been confirmed as chairman.

Everton bid for Smith.

Post 13

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

Hopefully we may see some action from Goodison over the summer:


smiley - erm

Everton bid for Smith.

Post 14

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

We now have this speculation:
There are growing concerns at Everton that Wayne Rooney will opt against signing a new contract, leaving them vulnerable to a bid after Euro 2004 (The Guardian)

If Wayne has a blinder in Portugal it is hard to see him starting at Goodison next season.

Everton bid for Smith.

Post 15

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

Well, Wayne had a blinder..............

Everton bid for Smith.

Post 16



Everton bid for Smith.

Post 17

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

Everton have now made an official bid for Robbie Savage:


With Unsworth definitely gone and Radzinski almost certain to follow the need for fresh blood has been given even greater impetus.

Everton bid for Smith.

Post 18


I don't like Savage, and if we do sign him I'm not going to be happy

"There's only one Robbie savage!"
"Thank f**k for that!"

(2002/3 Everton v Birmingham)

Everton bid for Smith.

Post 19

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

Well Savage has signed a new deal with Birmingham and the offer has been rejected. The squad is looking very lightweight and threadbare.

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