A Conversation for H2G2 Everton FC Fan Club
new kit
egon Started conversation May 8, 2004
New Home Kit- http://www.evertonfc.com/news/index.php?page_id=3464 and goalkeepers kit (which is black)- http://www.evertonfc.com/news/index.php?page_id=3466 which will apaprently be worn for the first time against Bolton today.
They seem to have reverted to Umbro as kit manufacturers, and they've resisted the temptation to change the shade of blue and put a godawful yellow stripe through the middle this time, which is a relief.
Oh, and the quote from Richard Wright about the new goalkeeper's kit does contain one piece of very bad grammar...
new kit
egon Posted May 8, 2004
Also, the way they've done the white piping at the top of the sleeves reminds me of the kit we wore in the 88/89 season, Tony cottee's first.
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new kit
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