A Conversation for H2G2 Everton FC Fan Club

Duncan Ferguson's Legal Advisor

Post 1


I was reading a report on BBCi about Duncan Ferguson, which included a quote from Duncan's "legal advisor" Kevin Dooley.

Now, I spend my holidays and spare time as a part-time legal clerk for a solitor's office in Widnes. And I know that kevi Dooley is a former solicitor (he was based in liverpool, I believe) who was struck off by the Law Society on the grounds of corruption.

Nice to see Dyuncan's got the right people in his corner.

Duncan Ferguson's Legal Advisor

Post 2


Looks like Dunc's been let off. Whether he did or didn't do what he did, is unlikely to be discovered. I wonder who'll get sent off at the next Fulham game... smiley - whistle

Duncan Ferguson's Legal Advisor

Post 3


I should say did or didn't do what they said he did...

Duncan Ferguson's Legal Advisor

Post 4

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

You mean there's something legal to do with money on Merseyside and Rex Makin wasn't involvedsmiley - winkeye

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