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Duncan off?

Post 1


According to Sky Sports News Duncan Ferguson has been told not to report to bellefield until further notice following a "training ground altercation" with Moyesie.


Duncan off?

Post 2

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

Apparantly this has been brewing off and on for a while. They had a full-blown row in public at Bellefield, depending on who you believe Duncan then failed to turn up for traing or Moyesey told him not too. The fact is that for a long time DM has criticised Duncan's attitude towards the club, 18 months left on his contract tho'. He is apparantly persona non grata at Bellefield at the mo'.

Duncan off?

Post 3

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

Preston and Notts Forest the most likely loan destinations, apparently...

Duncan off?

Post 4

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

Weren't Ipswich keen a short while back?

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