A Conversation for H2G2 Everton FC Fan Club

End of the Honeymoon?

Post 1


Has Moyes Honeymoon finally finished?

I'm sure things will turn around again, and I still think Moyes is a great manager, but things just don't seem to be going right at the moment... smiley - sadface

End of the Honeymoon?

Post 2

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

Yeah, it's just not clicking. The rumour mill is off and running though. Latest story is that Radzinski is off to Blackburn and we are to get David Thomson and three million in return. Three million would help finance a Sean Davis bid, two half decent players could help lift the squad.

End of the Honeymoon?

Post 3


but how would we cover the loss of Radzinski? He was our most consistent striker last season, and trading him in for two midfielders doesn't seem too great an idea to me.

End of the Honeymoon?

Post 4

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

Radzinski reminds me of Imre Varadi, a similar player - bags of pace, loads of chances but couldn't keep a cool head in front of goal. What percentage of his chances do you think Rado puts in? I doubt if it's much above 25%.

End of the Honeymoon?

Post 5


*just rang my Dad to check who imre Varadi was*

But the point is he gets in the positions more than the otehr players. he may score a low percentage of his chances, but if he wasn't there, who would score the goals he does? Particularly if the players coming in for him were both midfielders, as was suggested.

End of the Honeymoon?

Post 6

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

Rooney, Jeffers and McFadden are the future for the Blues upfront. If we could keep Rado as well I would be overjoyed, but the simple fact is with one glaring exception he's probably the only saleable asset we've got.

Imre Varadi, well apparantly I look just like himsmiley - laughsmiley - sadface

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