A Conversation for Phenomena That Need Names

for the people who do not speak English as their MotherLanguage.

Post 1

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

for the people who do not speak English as their MotherLanguage.

taking the Dutch
taking the Dutch is means that I will not say anything about your remark on the ground of that I am Dutch. English is my second language I do not know all grammar, slang and words. a personal sugestion try learn Dutch.

I use in this case Dutch, because I am Dutch, but some one from Germany could use "taking the German". I like the phrase "taking the Dutch", because it is short. other languages could say "taking the Dutch, because I speak German". sound funny, I think.

the idea come from USA you taking the 5th means a person will not say anything that it might incriminate the person.

for the people who do not speak English as their MotherLanguage.

Post 2

Loup Dargent

mmmmmmm.... hehe...

there are times in RL when i could have taken the french...smiley - biggrin

not so much online tho'...

thanks for the advice... i will certainly use it with pleasure...smiley - laugh

talk soon...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

for the people who do not speak English as their MotherLanguage.

Post 3

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

smiley - wow some one understood me!

for the people who do not speak English as their MotherLanguage.

Post 4

Loup Dargent

yep...smiley - biggrin

years ago i used to work where they print the sun err "newspaper"... in the staff restaurant...

some of the printers seemed to have a tendency of saying three words in one and look at me like if i was stupid because i didn't understand what they said...

for example "bacon, beans and tomatoes" sounded like "babeantoes" [i'm not exagerating]... i wish i knew this expression then... hehe... would have been very useful..smiley - biggrin

loupsmiley - fullmoon

for the people who do not speak English as their MotherLanguage.

Post 5

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

the words "ham and eggs" sounds for some one Dutch who does not speaks very good English in Dutch "helemaal niets" wich translated is "absolute nothing"

Dutch Person ask for a breakfest and the owner answers: "would you like some ham and eggs?". and the person ask again for breakfest.

for the people who do not speak English as their MotherLanguage.

Post 6

Loup Dargent

yep... some words can easily be understood for something else...

people tend to forget that...

there was this TV show "the two ronnies" in here and one of the sketches was actually spot on..

someone asking for FOUR CANDLES being given a FORK HANDLE... etc. and that was between two people with english being their first language...

my experience where they print the sun was unfortunately a bad one... if i was saying here what i think of most of the people who work there i would break a few house rules me thinks...smiley - biggrin

loupsmiley - fullmoon

for the people who do not speak English as their MotherLanguage.

Post 7


C'est moi again, not quite such a newbie now. I've been working trés hard to promote the cause of your esteemed language -- see my space for more details.
In the meantime, have you tried talking about sea-lions in French? My advice is, be VERY careful!!
P.S. Try visiting the new space of Chan-Mick le Frog.
A bintôt, Terri.

for the people who do not speak English as their MotherLanguage.

Post 8

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

Chan-Mick le Frog U208634 for you ease

for the people who do not speak English as their MotherLanguage.

Post 9

Loup Dargent

smiley - ta...

i was going to ask... hehe...
i feel too lazy today to do any search activity...smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

well no... i have done some searches re: entries to link to my work on georges simenon... had to do a two part entry because of the usual problem with the digibox but it starting to look good so i'm happy... it's good practice for me for when i get a computer and then start to seriously consider getting some entries edited [the less controversial one obviously...smiley - biggrin]

smiley - ok on my way to visit chan-mick le frog's space...smiley - surfer

talk later...


loupsmiley - fullmoon

for the people who do not speak English as their MotherLanguage.

Post 10

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

does any one foreign adopt the taking the Dutch?

just curious smiley - bigeyes

for the people who do not speak English as their MotherLanguage.

Post 11

Loup Dargent

i felt like taking the french a few times this week..smiley - steam why do people assume that i won't understand english even so i have been communicating in this language next to them for the past two weeks?!...smiley - grr and then they assumed that i was having a go at them because i was joking when they said they had "proper" blood [as in no french blood]... they obviously never saw me when i'm _really_ annoyed...

i hate when that happens tho'... why don't people make an effort to listen before taking it for granted that they won't understand?!...

it just needs one to spoil it for the others... i _almost_ forgot that i was a foreigner until one lazy ignorant person had to open their mouth before thinking... an accent is not as far as i know a sign of stupidity... even if it is a foreign one...smiley - cross

oh ahem.. err i was just going to post about the expression...smiley - whistle
it is a good one... might need to promote it a bit.. should catch on.. we have quite a good number of foreign researchers on h2g2 now...smiley - smiley

will try to plug it on my space next time i go to the cybercaf...smiley - ok?!
hopefully next weekend...smiley - biggrin
might bring a few more people to this thread...

thanks for reminding me about it BTW...smiley - cheers

talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

for the people who do not speak English as their MotherLanguage.

Post 12

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

that clear the angry mindand know time to smiley - zen

did you know I have pheloxionary on personal space?

sometimes I think I speak easier in English, than Dutch. I keep looking for some words in Dutch while I know English.

for the people who do not speak English as their MotherLanguage.

Post 13

Loup Dargent

yep... got that problem when i write...smiley - cry i used to write great things in french without even thinking of the words... there was a flow there.. now i'm not sure anymore which word i should put to make my text better and easier to read... that's the prix goncourt gone for me now...smiley - wahsmiley - biggrin
do we get it back when we mix with people who speak our language again?!... i was wondering about that as it seems that there is good french speaking community where i live...
and of course i could suscribe to TV5 i suppose... or listen to the french radio a bit more...smiley - smiley mmmmm... all is not lost it seems...smiley - cool

will have a look at your personal space in a mo'... smiley - cheers

talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

for the people who do not speak English as their MotherLanguage.

Post 14

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

never had any French at school so TV5 like aliens babbling to me

for the people who do not speak English as their MotherLanguage.

Post 15

Loup Dargent

i had a look when it was free for a while on cable... it's not too bad but the TV sets are already too few for the many in the house... plus as i'm accessing h2g2 through the cable set top [digibox] i'm already monopolising one TV set a lot...smiley - smiley

might have to wait for after i've managed to get hold of a computer...

then again it's not really a priority for me... listening to the french radio should be enough to get some of my french back...smiley - biggrin

seen your homepage BTW... and realised that i'm losing my memory as well...smiley - yikessmiley - laugh not only i did visit your page before but i also noticed that i forgot a few things on my personal space regarding my various memberships on h2g2... will have to wait for next weekend unfortunately to correct that...smiley - smiley

i've got some excuses i suppose, we've been busy starting a few projects for the friends of LD... so i kinda neglected my own space a little... i don't mind tho'... that was/is worth it...smiley - cool

talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

for the people who do not speak English as their MotherLanguage.

Post 16

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

thank you for looking

for the people who do not speak English as their MotherLanguage.

Post 17

Gaggle Halgrunt

so if someone is a citizen of the Italian town Pisa, what would they take?

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