A Conversation for ACE's Welcome
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Vip Started conversation Apr 14, 2011
First thing, remember that you won't be in GuideML in messages, it'll all be in plain text. So any links, headers, smilies etc. will need to be re-written in plain text.
"You will have to manually key the web address (minus the spaces), via 'my preferences' as the hyperlinks don't work in the new skin. "
You don't have to go to My Preferences to change the web address, you canjust type the web address into the address bar.
"You can choose either Alabaster, Brunel or Goo. See which 'skin', as they are known, you prefer. You can always change to another skin if you wish."
This is where you want the tell them about My Preferences.
If you want to include the Atelier, probably best to put in a link as they may not know how to find such things yet.
"To paraphrase the words of our Founder, D.N.A...."
You may want to put in another link here in case they don't know what DNA stands for or they didn't know that Douglas founded the site.
That's all! It's looking good and although you may have based it on my message it still sounds very you.
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